Saturday, January 14, 2012

Project 52….Week 2 Made with Love

This is where one would normally find one of my daughters. Maybe not always with paint, it could be markers, crayons, even just a regular ball point pen. Their all time favorite activity is drawing, coloring, creating. They can blow through a pile of blank paper in a heartbeat and markers don’t last very long either. Our refrigerator is always filled with their artwork, and if I try to slip one in the trash they instantly catch me on it and demand it get’s pulled back out. Not that I want to throw it out to hurt their feelings, but 3 girls x a TON of art work, I could probably wallpaper my house will it and still have let over.


When I started thinking about this weeks Project 52 theme I instantly knew that pictures of them creating had to be it. Most of their art work has written on it in their shaky handwriting “I love mom” or “I love dad”. Teresa even got an “award” in preschool called the “I love Mom” award because on EVERY piece of paper that is what she would write on it. My bedroom door is covered with artwork that they have given me to me. Most days I can find a special drawing on my pillow. I must admit that many times the mess that can be found on my kitchen table, because of their unending want to constantly be crafting, can sometimes overwhelm me. And let’s not even discuss what happens if they get ahold of glue or scissors! One day though while I was making dinner I just stopped and listened to their interactions. The encouragement they were giving each other over their masterpieces was priceless. It made me realize that yes the mess was EVERYWHERE ,and really not what I wanted to have to clean up in the rush to get dinner on the table, but the love that was being shared between my girls was really worth it. That not only were their creations made with love but that they were building their relationships with love. Now in the effort of “keeping it real” about 10 minutes later two of them were fighting over the markers and this beautiful moment ended in tears. I know that the experience as a whole was deepening the sister bond between them. So that is what I now try and think about when I am cleaning up for the hundredth time their crating mess, or when I find the markers with out their tops on, or a the itty pieces of paper on the kitchen floor. The love that goes into all the artwork that they have made.


project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Project 52 Week 1……..Resolution

I just love it when things just seem to fall into place. For some time now I have been thinking that I really wanted to make some changes. Changes in how I did things, changes in myself, changes that would benefit my family. Lately with the kids getting older I have felt that it was time to make some goals for myself and to really give it my best effort to accomplish them. Not my usual half attempt and then find some excuse of why I couldn't “find the time” to do something. I discovered this photo challenge at the perfect time. I had been thinking about the things I wanted to accomplish this year and learning how to use my camera better and new ways of documenting my life were two things I had on my list. Then I saw the theme for the first week was “resolution” and I thought how perfect! I know people can interpret this word in many different ways. Usually I am not even one to make “resolutions” but this year it’s different for me. This year, 2012, is the year I am determined to make meaningful. To be more purposeful in my actions, my decisions, and in my relationships. To become more disciplined. To not make so many excuses. To make goals and achieve them. I know it’s clique for it to hit January 1st and to say “I want to lose weight”. And while yes that is my goal, more importantly it’s to become healthy!


A friend of mine mentioned that she was signing up to run a 1/2 marathon and was looking for people to run with her. Completing a 1/2 marathon has been something I have wanted to do since I ran my first 5k a few years ago. I have a history of jumping on the exercising/ running bandwagon and then quickly falling off. I took this opportunity to run with a friend and SIGNED UP! I am a little nervous but excited! We have joined the local YMCA and the training has begun!


I also have started Weight Watchers online. My weight is something I have not been happy with for quite some time. I have tried “dieting” many different times but nothing ever stuck. I wanted to do this because I thought if I paid for it, I would be more motivated to follow the plan. So far so good. I never thought that my eating habits were that bad, but after keeping track of everything that I have put into my mouth I have realized that maybe my choices weren’t all the great.

I am looking forward to many great things in 2012! Starting off with becoming a healthier ME!!!

project 52 p52 weekly photo challenge