Okay so I know I am a month behind on a Mother’s Day post but since this is my “scrapbook” I wanted to make sure I documented the great weekend we had.
Teresa’s school had a nice Mother’s Day tea the week before Mother’s Day. Teresa was so excited for it and it was so cute to see all the nice things they made for the occasion.
Over Mother’s Day weekend we traveled up north to our friend’s house for their daughter, our goddaughter’s First Communion. Danny and Jen live outside of Washington D.C. so we decided to stop on our way up on Friday. We went to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum and the American History Museum. It was a bit crowded due to all the school field trips but it still was a fun time. We enjoyed seeing the dinosaur exhibits, the hope diamond and the exhibit on mammals at the NHM. I am pretty sure I enjoyed the American History Museum more than the others. They had a neat display of the Inaugural gowns of the first ladies which I enjoyed, Gabe and Jason not so much. They also had Julia Child’s kitchen on display which again I am sure I enjoyed more than the others, especially after watching the movie “Julie&Julia”. We also saw the ruby slippers from the Wizard of Oz, Kermit the Frog, Brian Botanio’s ice skates, and Natasha Lukin’s gymnastic leotard. We really could have spent an entire day at each museum but we were only able to stay a few hours. After the museums we walked by the Capital building, Lincoln Memorial, and did a drive by of the White House. It was a fun afternoon and I am so glad we took that opportunity to see the sites of D.C.

the Hope Diamond
Saturday of that weekend we had Ava’s First Communion. We were so glad to be able to be there for this special occasion. I still never will forget Ava’s baptism. I was so embarrassed. They didn’t have her baptized during a Mass, just a small service with just a few people. And Gabriel SCREAMED the entire time. Not just a little fussing but a full on fit and there was nothing I could do. I couldn’t take him out because I had to be there and there was no one that I could give him to either. The funny thing now when I look back on it is that the entire time Danny’s dad was video taping. I kept thinking…really are you even getting anything the priest is saying or are you just doing this to torture me so we can forever have documented the awful fit Gabe was throwing. Thankfully this time around everyone behaved themselves and it was great to be able to celebrate this special occasion with her.
Danny and Jen live on a great farm in Maryland. We all had a great time but I think that Teresa enjoyed herself the most. She loved being able to play with the chickens, rabbit, goat, and pony. I think her favorite thing was to walk down to the creek and play in the water. It was so pretty there that weekend and I had a chance while the little girls were taking a nap to take some pics…
I wish this picture would have come out better. These four guys (Jason, Pete, Danny, Antoni) have been friends for years and now all these years later they have 10kids +1 on the way between them! It is always so great to get together with them…no matter how much time passes it is like it was just yesterday that we all saw each other! The blessing of those “forever friends”.
On Mother’s Day we left early and drove to see my parents. It was great to get to spend the day with my Mom. We were able to visit for a few hours and then we were on the road home. It was a whirlwind weekend but so worth it. It is times like these, spending time with great friends and family, that matter’s most!